Whether you are planning a wedding (or an event), it is important that you figure out how to inject you and your partner's personalities into the day. There are so many things you can do to find small ways to add that little bit of you into the design, decor, or in the music.It's so important to find the elements that will actually make your day special and memorable to you and your guests. And you may not hate them in 20 years (like some trends)!

One of my biggest problems with the wedding world (and life) is that everyone wants to be "pinterest perfect" or "instagram perfect." I get that this is what everyone hopes to achieve with their wedding photos, but just think for a second -
This is your wedding. Yours.
(I am not against Pinterest and Instagram, but use it to find inspiration. And don't spend too much time there.)
For example: for our wedding we have talked about recessing down the aisle to the Kinks, having little giraffe (me) and a little bear (him) as cake toppers, he will be wearing a dark green suit, and I will probably end up in converses. We are skipping flowers at our reception and making ribbon wands with very long strands to decorate the tables. There will also be lots of yarn pompoms - We wanted to have our wedding be a celebration of US - very colorful, filled with family, and good food.
To start - think about these questions:
1/ Does the idea of your wedding fit the look and feel of your style or even the style of your house?
2/ Spend an hour (or 5) searching for the best first dance song with your partner. Don't just look up the best of wedding music, but bring in your favorite love songs you liked as a kid. *Though you may find some love songs when you were younger may just be about sex. It is still fun!
3/ Do you have a favorite song, comedian, or movie that you both love or frames your relationship? Bring it into part of your ceremony. I would love to see Seinfeld quoted in a ceremony someday.
4/ Challenge: What would you have as a centerpiece if you could not have flowers? What is in your house? (I would have weird ceramic animals, too many giraffe and bear figurines, cactus, and coffee mugs.)
5/ If you were only allowed to do an upbeat song for your first dance - what would you have?
6/ What ways can you bring both of your favorite colors together? (Would they work together?)
7/ What is the last song of the night?
8/ What are your favorite foods? What did you have on your first date? What is the favorite meal you two have ever made together? Bring one (or all) into the wedding somehow.
9/ Even if you want to wear fancy shoes, bring your favorite pair of shoes to change into or take photos in.
10/ Are you a musician or know musicians? Write a song for the occasion. I just had a wedding where the groom composed and hired a quartet to play it for his new wife at their reception.
Blogs that promote personalities in weddings: Rock & Roll Bride, Nu Bride, A Practical Wedding,
There is so much more - maybe I will do a follow up post with more soon.
Need help adding personality in your big day?